Sunday, May 31, 2009

I don't wish to see another floor tile!!!!

No textiles this last week as I have become tiler's mate to my husband. We have been tiling the floor of the new lounge at the cottage and after spending a solid week working on the tiles we have almost completed 45 square metres.It is looking great but I am exhausted after the marathon and feeling deprived of creative stimulus. It has been a beautiful week and I have spent very little time on the garden so no doubt my time next week will be spent on the growing grass and weeds so little or no time again for textiles, never mind!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How time flies

A friend has just spent a week here helping David work on the new lounge that is in the course of renovation, and I have done very little textile work. I have made lots of soup and evening meals, constant tidying up and attempting to keep abreast of the dust - without much success - but nothing productive in the art world.

I have attempted to make some ATC's and also made some beads from dyed paper towels that I found in my 'bits box', nothing inspiring but useful to file away in the 'could be useful box'. Whilst pottering in a non productive way, I decided to go back to printing some dyed material and I am pleased with the 2 pieces I have produced - not sure what I am going to do with them yet but I was pleased with the end results.

Today has been yet another Fete Day in France - Ascension Day, and we awoke to a thunderstorm this morning , I thought it was only in England that we had wet 'Bank Holidays' but the day did improve as it progressed and the sun was very warm by late afternoon, ideal for drying the printed fabrics. I will post a picture of one of the printed pieces with this post.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another year older!!!

Where does time go to, I had promised myself on our return from England I would get down to some textile work and keep up my blog but needless to say I have not done very well with either.

May 6th brought another birthday, not as exciting as last year when I spent the day in Paris celebrating, but the weather was fabulous here so I spent the day relaxing in the garden reading Cloth,Paper,Scissors and Quilting Arts and shedding a few tears at the beautiful flower arrangement I received through interflora from my son. I will post a photo of the basket of flowers.

May 7th was a Saving Graces day held at Gloria's house. Unfortunately Annie was not able to attend this time owing to visitors but Di made the trip down from Paris. We explored the potential of the moulds Di and Gloria brought back from their trip to the Stamp Bug and made lots of examples to have in stock for future use and I ran a workshop on making an Indian Bird Mobile, which we will complete for the next meeting on 11th June. As usual we had a super day sharing ideas etc..